Thursday, August 30, 2007

False Alarm

Last night I began having contractions. The excitement mounted as some of them came 3-5 minutes apart. I had been just walking through the house when they started so it seemed that this was really going to be it! We decided to head out to dinner with our neighbor to celebrate his birthday. The restaurant was close to our house and I planned on eating something light so I wouldn’t have to "relive" it later. =) Besides, my doc said that I needed to time them 5 min apart for an hour before I came in - so we had some time.

Throughout dinner I kept getting them, but they were more infrequent and lighter than they had been - although I wasn’t moving around a lot, being seated and all. Once we got home, they picked up again and continued until we went to bed around 1030. Kev scrambled to pack the car and we even did a video diary (real world style) right before bed of "our last night before the baby came". But alas, this morning Kevin and I awoke to the sun streaming in our windows and no more contractions. Bah... So back to work it is. This little girl is such a tease!


Miriam said...

I love that you are posting this kind of stuff - fun to have so much insight into what it is like awaiting the arrival of your little girl!

Ms. Burly said...
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Ms. Burly said...

Wow you girls are up early with the posting/commenting! Lauren it won't be long now I am sure!! I am so excited to hear!!

Beth said...

Ahhhh, so close. Perhaps it will be today then so she'll be born before Sept.

Anonymous said...

Last night was so surreal. I was hustling around trying to get everything packed quick. I was so ready. I had this feeling all day that it would be the day. Kinda bummed now but it was still really fun getting all excited. I don't get super excited very often :)

Angela said...

You guys are so cute! :) She'll be here soon! :)