Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Out With Obsession...

My kitchen floor is dirty... and I dont know when I'm going to clean it. To be honest though, its not even on my list. My ironing board has been in the middle of our living room for 4 days now and the shower curtain really could use washed or tossed because it's turning colors. I think I've turned a new corner for me. Who know's if I'll go back to the obsessive list-making, die-hard clean freak that I had turned into pre-baby, but I realize right now that I could literally be busy round-the-clock with chores and it's really not worth it. I'm taking a break from my obsessive self and it feels good!


Alex said...

Don't worry - I had dog hair tumble weeds from time to time! : ) You'll get to various cleaning projects when the time is right...like your baby pulls up a fistful of dog hair from the carpet...just an example...not at all something that has happened at my house....!

Beth said...

Good for you!! I think you might actually enjoy it. :)

Anonymous said...

Now we might end up on the same house-cleanliness level requirement as each other.. woot :)