Monday, September 12, 2011

There's a Four Year Old in the House!

Natalie's birthday falls on my company's annual Six Flags picnic.  I debated a bit about having an actual party for her, but then I decided that Six Flags was PLENTY of celebration and I was going to heed the warning from a friend that throwing a party for 4 year olds was a lot more work than perhaps it was worth.


So Six Flags it was and it did not disappoint.  Natalie, fortuntely, was tall enough to ride the 42" rides this year.  We talked importantly about how she was able to ride those rides because she'd eaten her vegetables and gotten taller and that Liam would have to eat more vegetables for next year.  I think it worked because she's all excited about the really "BIG" rollercoasters that she'll be able to grow into provided she continues to down those green beans.  I'm just hoping we can branch out from the canned variety at some point.

We took Liam with us to Six Flags (something we were a little fearful of) but it worked out rather well.  He's tall and fortunately had a good time on several things his height.  And of course there was plenty of food.  So, he was in his element!  I dont have any pictures from the day, but we had a blast and closed the park!  The most fun was had at the water park.  I think its genetic, because water parks happen to be my favorite too!

The next day, Sunday, we went to church and then we celebrated Natalie's birthday at home with our immediate family. Liam didnt even make the pictures because he was doing some hardcore napping to play catch-up from the previous day!   Here's a few pics from the festivities:

Notice the cake in the background (strawberry cake with white/pink icing)- Natalie and I picked it out and decorated it ourselves.  She was ecstatic with it (nevermind the pink border falling off the side of the cake!) 
The pink suitcase (it has princesses on the front of it) was certainly the star of the show. She had requested it months prior and I searched high and low for one in my resale adventures. God totally dropped one in my lap the Sunday before her birthday for a rock bottom price of $2. I know she doesnt care that it was used and it was in great shape! I just LOVE it that God cares about the little things in life that matter to us and is continually doing things to build my faith.

Baby Emma - thanks Mommo & Poppo!

Strawberry Shortcake dolls.  You know they market these to the parents, really.  My fourth birthday I had a Strawberry Shortcake birthday cake.  Oh the memories!!

No birthday is complete without a princess card!

She was rather insistent that we have a #4 on the cake though. Too cute!

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