Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mothers of Preschoolers

I went to my first MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting this past Monday and it was an interesting experience. Now, before you think we may have a 3 year old that we keep locked in our basement and have yet to bring them up, let me just clarify that MOPS allows women to join that have children aged 0-5. And pregnant women are welcome too. Just wanted to clear that up so you didn't start scratching your heads. =)
I wasn't really sure what to think about the whole affair before I went. In my mind I envisioned women sitting in a circle discussing diaper rash, potty training and Elmo. I was happily surprised when I arrived and found that they had a ladies clothing swap (maternity and non-maternity clothes), a speaker on financial planning, lots of ladies NOT dressed in jumpers, and (last but not least) plenty of good food! Who would have thought?? I'm definitely headed back next month - they're doing a ladies pampering night and there will be chocolate, a coffee bar, paraffin hand dips, a relaxation station and more.

We're having a what???

So we went to Hopkins yesterday for our detailed anatomy ultrasound and we were so excited to learn that the baby is looking totally healthy and normal! We also found out a little bit more about just WHO this little one is going to be...
The ultrasound tech said with a great deal of confidence... "I dont even need to look anymore, this is definitely a little girl!". Both Kevin and I were a bit in shock b/c the doctor at our last ultrasound had told us she thought it was a boy (although it was technically too early to really make out the parts). So we had privately been referring to "him" this and "he" that. We'd even dismissed girl names and focused on the boy names! So... we were both stunned (and delighted!) to learn the news.
I've included some pics for your viewing pleasure. We were fortunate to get a few 3D pics along with the regular ones that really show her facial features well. Enjoy!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Surprise getaway in PA

This past weekend some girlfriends of mine and I pulled one over on our husbands. They all have recently turned 30 so we decided we needed to get them out of the house for a bit of R&R. We kidnapped them at work on Thursday afternoon and drove up to PA to stay at a house in Annville (err... the middle of nowhere). =) The house came complete with an air hockey table, a ping pong table and pool as well as an old organ that the guys had a good time with. We toured the oldest brewery in America (Yuengling) and hit up the go-carts and batting cages. All in all a fun weekend away from everyday life...
Here's a few pics that capture the moments well.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Umm.... those weren't allergies....

Ok, I know its been a long time since you've heard anything from our camp and I had said I'd be updating about once a week. Well, not a lot has happened since the last post - really. Those allergies I thought I had turned out to be a cold that Kevin so lovingly shared with me. I spent a week and a half coughing, blowing my nose and laying around with body aches and no energy. Luckily all I have left is a cough which only comes out when I lie down; this has been making sleep an illusive past time. Last night I was awake until 4am insanely jealous that Kevin was catching the Zzzz's that I was so desperately craving. Finally, I got up and read a while and then drank some warm milk (why does that work, anyway?) and was able to drift off for a whopping 3 hours of beauty rest. I read an article online that said that 78% of pregnant women suffer from insomnia - although I always thought it would happen when I was having trouble getting comfortable because my stomach was taking up half the bed (which isn't the case quite yet). So if you're reading this and have any advice, I'd be willing to take it.

Yeah... I know, really exciting post this time. I meant it when I said not much had been going on since I had been under the weather - and now you believe me! =)

A week and two days until our big ultrasound! Woot! April 18th cant come too quickly. Night all!