Friday, November 27, 2009

Worth A Try

If any of you know me, you know I LOVE to scrapbook. However, I don't get much of a chance currently. But, hey...that's just the breaks when you have a 3 month old and a toddler. I'll get back to it though!

Recently, I've had my eye on a pretty cool new scrapbooking gadget that would be the perfect fit for all of my scrapbooking AND geeky tendencies: a Cricut Gypsy. Trouble is, they're ridiculously expensive. I found a blog contest (at the Gypsy Spot) where one is being given away and all I have to do is put a link on my blog. So here goes... I'll let you know if I win!


Sarah said...

Hi Lauren -

Thanks for your comment on my Advent Calendar. We made it with the kids this week, and they had a blast! I'm excited to give it the daily run and see how they enjoy it.

For the nativity, I'm planning to do a hunt for a miniature set -- which I haven't yet found (but I believe there are some online if you google mini nativity).

However, this year my SIL found some cute foam Nativity that we made (just today, actually).

Here are a few others I saw online.

I was checking out your blog a bit -- are you living in Harford County? We lived there for about 3 years and moved 4 years ago. We miss it terribly and would LOVE to return.

Blessings to you!

Sarah said...

Hi Lauren -

My email is -- that might be easier for both of us than hopping back and forth! :)

We lived in Abingdon - in Box Hill South - when we lived there. If there's ever an opportunity to return, we're jumping at the chance! We currently live in NW Arkansas.

You asked about my blogs designs. I have taken the generic template from blogspot, but using the tutorials on cutest blog on the block dot com, I created basically scrapbook pages that I went in and tweaked my design to be more "me."
