Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's the Word, Yo?

I know I've been distant recently. I've been head down in a lot of other stuff. Trying to get my blog into book format as a family keepsake, trying to get our family videos to DVD and trying to get caught up on my scrapbooking. I don't really have a TON of free time so any and all has gone to those things.

Life here has been pretty normal - chaos, chaos and more chaos! Natalie has decided herself that she'd like to potty train. I think she's more ready than I am. I still am leery of doing potty training on the go so we're mainly trying to do it at home. Something appeals to her about wearing big girl underwear (rather than a diaper). Hey... I had previously tried EVERYTHING I could think of to coerce her to use the potty, so if it's HER idea, that's perfectly fine with me. I better just get used to this sort of "reverse psychology" for the rest of her growing up years. =)

Liam can sit up by himself for short periods of time if you prop him just so. He also got his first haircut the other day (thanks for the great job, Debbie!). Natalie was TWO before she had a haircut. He was quite the trooper and was happy to slobber all over the smock. What a kid!


MegganB said...


Tales of Our Journey said...

I have to say in the first picture he looks like a little Captain cute! :o)

Lauren said...

Captain Kirk!?!? Now that you say that, I think you're right!

Miriam said...

So cute - he looks so much older than he is!!!!