So for Valentine's Day last week, Kevin took me to Ruth's Chris. We'd never been and I was a little concerned that it wasn't going to be my thing (I'm not much of a red meat craver). But, I was totally blown away by how good it was and loved every bit. Afterward we went to Dairy Queen and got sundaes. Do I have a good guy or WHAT?
This picture is just before we went to dinner last Friday night. Why do I always look tired in pictures these days??So, I found this meme on the web and thought it was appropriate for the whole Valentine's post - even if it IS a week late. Kevin, I'd be interested if you'd fill this out in the comments so I could hear YOUR take on some of these questions!
What are your middle names?
How long have you been together?
6.5 years
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Hmmm...2.5 months?
Who asked who out?
I asked the question "did you ever wonder what it would have been like if we would have started dating?" after we'd been spending lots of "friend time" together. And then the next week he told me he loved me. Hey... when you know, you know.
Whose siblings do you see the most?
His, but it's really about a tie.
Do you have any children together?
Yes, one here and one in heaven.
What about pets?
Yes, a cat that he claimed ownership as soon as we started dating and that I've tried in vain to pawn off. She's a sweet cat, but we've had our moments. I don't think we'll have anymore when she kicks the bucket.
Did you go to the same school?
Who is the most sensitive?
Me. But he can definitely show a softer side.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
All over the place, but I'd have to say Fuji Sushi gets the most visits from us out of any ONE place (although not in a while).
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Whistler, BC. I miss skiing.
Who has the craziest exes?
Hmmm...I have more exes than he does, but I think he wins in the "Craziest" category.
Who has the worst temper?
We're about tied. I think we've gotten better than when we were first married, though.
Who does the cooking?
Both of us, but me on a regular basis.
Who is more social?
Me. He has close friends from high school and sees them only so often. I am meeting new people all the time.
Who is the neat freak?
I didn't start out that way, but I've slowly become pretty anal about socks on the floor, etc.
Who is the most stubborn?
Ummm.. I plead the 5th!
Who hogs the bed?
Definitely him. He thinks that he can sleep in the middle and give the cat a third of the bed. We sleep in a queen-size!
Who wakes up earlier?
Definitely me.
Where was your first date?
Arctic Circle. I thought that it was a joke when he said we were going there (all I could think of was "The North Pole"). It's a dive of an ice cream stand but it has absolutely the BEST soft-serve chocolate dipped cone that you've ever eaten in your WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!
Who has the bigger family?
Him. He has far more extended family than I do. We both only have one sibling though.
Do you get flowers often?
Nope, although I got them TWICE Valentine's week. Gerbera daisies too. I am a well-loved woman!
How long did it take to get serious?
Refer to the "who asked who on a date first" question.
Who eats more?
Right now I do. Being prego has me hungry ALL THE TIME!
Who sings better?
Definitely him. I embarrass myself when I'm alone in the car.
Who does the laundry?
It's all me, baby.
Who’s better with the computer?
We both have our strengths when it comes to the computer, but, by a landslide, it's him. Hey, living with the IT guy has its perks.
Who drives when you are together?
Who picks where you go to dinner?
We always over-analyze this one together. We did BEFORE we had kids and we could go anywhere at any time and we do now when we get on average one date a month. When it comes to food, we don't mess around.
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
It seems like I'm always the one apologizing and giving in. He'd probably disagree. But I'm right. He just won't admit it. :)
Who wears the pants in the relationship?
I'd say him, but I knew I couldn't marry a wishy washy guy because I'd railroad him. Kevin is anything but wishy washy, so I'd say we're fighting over the pants most of the time. I've got one leg in one side and he in the other. The whole submitting to one another thing is something we're still trying to master.
Who has more tattoos?
No tattoos on either of us. I wanted one on my foot when I was single, but I didn't do it. And then I wanted a nose stud when I was married, but Kevin said it would be over his dead body. I considered it.
Who eats more sweets?
Hands down, me. I'm bad.
Who cries more?
Me. No offense, but it would weird me out if he cried more than me. And I'm pregnant right now. Raging hormones... need I say more?